EU DORA Del Reg - CTPP designation criteria

Sets out the critera to be used to assess whether an ICT third-party service provider is critical for financial entities. Utilizes a two-step test to identify those providers who are most critical.

Rule Overview

Jurisdiction: European Union

Regulator: ESMA

Topic: Resilience

Latest News

The assessment is to be targeted at the individual or group level as appropriate with subcontractors also evaluated.

The assessment criteria include:

  • Systemic impact on stability, continuity or qualify of the provision of financial services
  • Systemic character and importance of the ICT services
  • Criticality or importance of the functions
  • Degree of substitutability
DORA regulation outlining process for identifying critical ICT third-parties published

DORA regulation outlining process for identifying critical ICT third-parties published

It implements the specific assessment approach to be used by supervisory authorities and outlines fees payable by vendors designated as critical.

Your DORA questions answered – CIFs

Your DORA questions answered – CIFs

This third of a series of six articles covering a practical session organised by Ashurst focuses on critical or important functions.

Managing vendors supporting critical or important functions - from zero to full compliance with DORA

Managing vendors supporting critical or important functions - from zero to full compliance with DORA

A summary of key practical steps based on the draft technical standard.


DORA regulation outlining process for identifying critical ICT third-parties published


Your DORA questions answered – CIFs


Managing vendors supporting critical or important functions - from zero to full compliance with DORA

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